Lexden Rackets & Fitness News
Useful Tips 4: The Backhand Swing
For many players the backhand is often the weaker stroke. This is because the backhand has to develop the majority of its strength from technique alone, unlike the forehand which can initially obtain a [...]
Useful Tips 3: The Forehand Swing
‘Now you know how to grip it, the next question to ask yourself is how do I rip it?’ Over the next two articles we will look in depth at the two swings; forehand [...]
Useful Tips 2: Grip
If someone was thinking of taking up squash the number one tip I would give that person is learn how to grip the racket correctly from day one and make it habitual! Following on [...]
Useful Tips 1: Equipment
Useful tips to keep your squash brain ticking over in these difficult times, by Eng squash level 3 Lexden Rackets & Fitness Club head squash coach Paul Allen. Are you using the correct squash equipment [...]
Club Closed Until Further Notice
We have to inform you the club is now closed until further notice. It is a very sad day but everyone's health & wellbeing must come first, as instructed by the Government yesterday. At this [...]
Pool Closed For Maintenance
Urgent Notice Our chemical dosing system in the swimming pool has been encountering some issues. As an urgent safety precaution, we need to close the pool until further notice. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of training to help achieve your fitness goals